Nancy Craig – jh Interior Design Studio

Nancy Craig


Director of Accounting

Nancy started at JH Interior Design on February 14, 2022, and it goes without saying that she loves our group of talented designers.

Nancy has been in the accounting field her entire career and loves working with numbers. Many describe her as “mama bear” because she is an excellent listener and guide in life.

Nancy and her husband moved from Northeast Iowa to be closer to family which consists of 4 children and 5 grandchildren. To her, life is precious and short, so ENJOY each and every day to its fullest!

What is your spirit animal? A hummingbird. I focus on enjoyment in life and being easy-going. Enjoying the sweetness of life by lifting up negativity wherever it creeps in and expressing love more fully in my daily endeavors.

One song you wouldn’t mind hearing every day for the rest of your life?
“Imagine” by John Lennon. The words are powerful and motivating, wanting to bring unity and togetherness into our world.

nancy craig